

“Central” Complex and Authoritarian Architecture
Li Haiqing
摘 要 近现代官方建筑大多采用威严的中轴对称构图形式,与注重形制的中国传统官式建筑一脉相承,目标指向礼制赖以维系的威权与道统,建筑形式的符号功能藉此被发挥到无以复加的地步。南京国立中央博物院和台北国立国父纪念馆作为中国官方建筑之代表,其建筑设计方案在竞标、评选、修改过程中的博弈,是中国官方建筑之“中央”情结与威权架构的生动写照,百年辛亥之遗产由此可见一斑。
关键词 中央 威权主义 官方建筑 中轴对称 辛亥革命
ABSTRACT Chinese official buildings in the modern era are mostly of majestic symmetrical composition in form, the same as Chinese traditional official building which emphasizes shape and structure, targeting at authoritarian and Confucian orthodoxy which determines social institutions. The symbolic function of architectural form is brought into extreme play. Nanjing National Central Museum and the Taipei “National Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall”, as important representative of Chinese official buildings, their architectural design competition, appraisal, and modification process, are vivid portrayals of “central” complex and authoritarianism of Chinese official buildings, and also good evidences of the heritage of the Revolution of 1911.
KEY WORDS central, authoritarianism, official buildings, symmetrical composition, Revolution of 1911