

Regional Architectural Practice with the Concept of “Lang”

余斡寒 周波
Yu Wohan Zhou Bo

摘 要 廊作为建筑类型和符号,在中国当代建筑创作实践中被广泛运用。将相关设计思路归纳为三种倾向,继而分析汤桦的建筑设计作品中线型元素的应用,归纳为以类型学方法展现廊在建筑、城市双重尺度上表现力的设计倾向。在对这些设计倾向进行研究的基础上,将廊作为明确符号意义的建筑类型,进行了一系列建筑设计实践,进而提出以廊为主题的地域建筑设计思路,并以相关的四个作品作为例证。
关键词 廊 类型 符号 地域建筑 设计实践
ABSTRACT As part of an architectural type and symbol, “Lang” has been widely used in the contemporary architectural
design in China. The author had summarized three approaches of design related to “Lang” before; while in this article,
the author complements the fourth approach found recently in the practice of architect Tang Hua about linear elements.
This approach can be summed up as an expression of “Lang” in both architectural and urban scale, by typological
design method. Based on the four approaches and through further linguistically and typological study, the author
practiced a serial of regional design projects, in which “Lang” has been used as a theme throughout the architecture
design with clear symbolic significance. This article introduces the following four of these practices.
KEY WORDS Lang, type, symbol, regional architecture, design practice


