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库哈斯与CCTV ——一场奢华的娱乐剧

  2013-08-27 12:37:55  

张福强 胡文荟
Zhang Fuqiang Hu Wenhui
摘 要 试图结合荷兰建筑师雷姆·库哈斯的建筑思维模式与当下中国环境的背景角度来解读其作品——中国中央电视台CCTV总部新址大楼。通过研究库氏自受到1968年法国“五月风暴”的影响后,对其从剧本编辑到建筑师身份转换的思维过渡,再到形成他对当前中国的理解过程,以及库氏以往的作品和理论,乃至他设计本建筑所持有的社会思想来源进行分析,以做到真实的解读,抑或批判这座建筑。
关键词 库哈斯 CCTV 北京 1968 意识形态
ABSTRACT This article, taking into account the Dutch architect Rem Koolhaas’ architectural thinking mode and China’s current circumstance, attempts to interpret his work China CCTV new headquarters building. It analyses his changing professional role from a script editor to an architect under the influence of the May 1968 protests in France, the process of his understanding of current China, and the source of his social ideology for the architectural design. In this way, it is intended to in essence interpret or criticize the building.
KEY WORDS Koolhaas, CCTV, Beijing, 1968, ideology

