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阅读的关怀 ——一座德国图书馆的价值取向

  2013-09-27 15:39:33  

Xiao Guanlan

摘 要 建筑是社会的产品,是各种社会关系综合的结果,反映了社会的价值取向。人文精神的缺失使中国建筑所呈现的面貌往往是明星建筑师的个人膨胀或业主被异化的精神需求的放大,甚至是麻木不仁的工业化产品,很难从中发现令人感到关怀和温暖的东西,但这种睽违已久的关怀却深深地反映在一座德国图书馆中。这个由德国本土建筑事务所“奥特纳与奥特纳”设计的图书馆,从理念到技术无不在关怀着与建筑紧密联系的所有东西:自然地形、城市空间、历史文脉,以及来这里阅读的人。
关键词 德国萨克森州图书馆 奥特纳与奥特纳 价值取向 建筑设计
ABSTRACT The over-fulfillment of star architect’s personal identity and clients’ inflated spiritual needs reveal an absence of cultural quality in Chinese architecture, and are even the result of indifferent industrial product. In this, it is difficult to have a sense of “quietness”, “modesty” and “care”. But such a quality could be found in the SLUB,which is one of the most significant library of Germany. In this building, the designer, Ortner & Ortner, shows respect and care to the primary condition of the site, the urban space, the historical context, and its users.
KEY WORDS SLUB, Ortner & Ortner, value orientation, architectural design


