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斯蒂文 • 霍尔建筑垂直路径的知觉现象学解读

  2013-09-27 15:41:02  

冯琳 宋昆
Feng Lin Song Kun

摘 要 梅洛-庞蒂的知觉现象学从胡塞尔的“先验意识”返回“身体”的“在世存在”,强调身体感知的原初重要性,探讨身体运动中空间与时间的相互蕴含,揭示当下身体体验对于“意义”呈现的基础作用。受其影响,斯蒂文·霍尔将建筑塑造为与人身体互动的现象场,在垂直路径空间设计中,现象的质料、时空的意识以及透过建筑所映射的生活世界,都借由人身体的感知、运动和体验得以呈现,此互动、互释与互指最终使建筑的本质被“身体”触及。
关键词 斯蒂文·霍尔 路径 知觉现象学 身体
ABSTRACT Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s phenomenology of perception has brought back body and life-world from Husserl’s transcendental consciousness. The original significance of the perception of body is emphasized. The illumination between space and time to each other is discussed in the process of body movements. The fundamental effects of body’s present experience are revealed upon the manifestation of meaning. Under the influence of phenomenology of perception, Steven Holl makes his architecture a phenomenon field which interacts with body, especially in his design of vertical paths, where the materials of phenomenon, the presence of time and space, and the life-world projected through architecture, are all revealed through body’s perception, movement and experience. Thus the nature of architecture is touched in these interaction, interpretation and coreference.
KEY WORDS Steven Holl, paths, phenomenology of perception, body


